Ontario animal charities and rescue groups are now welcome to apply for one of our annual grants. Helping to fund spay/neuter programs of local animal organizations and rescue groups is how we work to achieve our mission of addressing the issue of animal overpopulation and homeless pets. Are you Eligible? To be eligible to applyContinue reading “Grant Funding for Spay/Neuter & TNR”
Category Archives: News
Now Accepting Grant Applications
We are now accepting applications for our annual Animal Aid Foundation Grants. Animal charities across Ontario and Canada are welcome to apply. Email grants@animalaidfoundation.ca to ask to get started in our grants process. Are you eligible to apply? To be eligible to apply for one of our grants, an organization must: Funding Is Limited WeContinue reading “Now Accepting Grant Applications”
Our annual grants process is now open
Animal charities across Ontario and Canada are invited to request an application to apply for one of our grants. Application packages are due in January with grants awarded in spring. To be eligible to apply for one of our grants, an organization must: Be a Canadian registered charity Have at least one year ofContinue reading “Our annual grants process is now open”
Online book sale has ended
Thank you to everyone who supported our online book sale. It has now ended. All of the funds raised will go directly towards our grants funding program, supporting local animal charities. Every dollar raised helps a vulnerable animal in need. We will continue our fundraising efforts to help as many animals as possible. We appreciateContinue reading “Online book sale has ended”
Your donation is helping the animals
Thanks to your ongoing support, we continue to provide funding to animal charities across Canada. This past spring we once again provided funding for several spay/neuter programs, helping vulnerable cats and dogs across the country. Spaying and neutering is necessary to prevent the spread of overpopulation, which can lead to the untimely and inhumane deathsContinue reading “Your donation is helping the animals”